— Aiming High 1 | 27
In my current project »Aiming High«, i follows a variety of job application processes in different European countries. I observes participants at job fairs, job interviews, auditions, or in assessment centers, who fall into what is an apparently firmly defined kind of choreography of imaginary expectations.
Thee appointments, places, and procedures seem to be standardized, normalized, and as uniform as the applicants themselves, who are supposed to be tested, judged, evaluated, and categorized in accordance with a particular economic point of view.
My focuses on the interactions between the working world and the individual that determine large portions of the latter’s personal life.
The work was shown as an exhibition in various museums.

— People at AWO 1 | 30
I visited people at the AWO for the Federal Association of Workers' Welfare.

— »ist doch so« 1 | 42
»ist doch so« is the name of photo-essays which were first exhibited in Berlin in summer 2016 in the Kunststiftung Poll. It is a selection of various photographs from the last 10 years. Some pictures were done independently and others were commissioned. The common factor of these works is my attempt to to probe into basic everyday situations again and again.

— portraits 1 | 44

— the first day 1 | 18
One never forgets the first day of work. Everything is new and unfamiliar. Most people like their job. But at the same time a majority say that they wish more fulfillment, satisfaction and sense of purpose at their place of work. For the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT, I photographed various people on their first day at work.

— germany takes a break 1 | 41
A project about taking a break, such a contrast in a society which is determined by efficiency and acceleration. I was really enthusiastic when the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT suggested photographing people during their breaks.

— Volkswagen commercial vehicles 1 | 44
About 12.000 people are working for Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge. It is a small town not far away from Hanover. The staff magazine sign me to photograph the everyday life.

— Moris 1 | 12
Monkey noises, rude remarks, flat tyres – it does not matter – Morris says. Much more terrible things could happen to a black man from Namibia in Eastern Germany. But not many. I visited Morris in Greifswald for DUMMY-MAGAZIN.

— stepping down 1 | 24
The project »Stepping down« deals with leaving work-life due to (retirement) age.
For this essay, which is on-going, I photographed people in diverse jobs – from the professional soldier to the hospital nurse – on their last day at work. I am interested in how each protagonist passes this day, which rituals are observed and in which roles those present are trapped.
Last but not least the references to the future and the resulting question: which role does our society offer for the so-called third and usually last phase of life?

— Festspielhaus Baden Baden 1 | 26
For the Festspielhaus Baden Baden i took a look behind the curtains.

— together lonely 1 | 21
Mr. Schwalmberg had imagined everything being totally different. He would have preferred to grow old in his summerhouse in the garden. »… where the ground was so fertile you could have put a walking stick in it and it would grow«.
The most beautiful thing Mrs. Gust can remember nowadays are the »woods of Posen«.
Mrs. Berghaus is comparing the seconds. She asserts, that »in the past they used to pass to quick and nowadays to slow.«

— exhibiton cataloges 1 | 17

— 125 Jahre Sparkassenverband Niedersachsen 1 | 18
The Association of Savings Banks of Lower Saxony celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2012. Commissioned by the Association, and in cooperation with the design agency KONO and the author Tim Schröder, we took a closer look at certain events in the history of the Association.

— annual reports 1 | 28

— Festspielhaus Baden Baden 1 | 20

— magazine 1 | 41